Pumpkin *All about COMPUTER and INFO~~: SS1 R5 Carbine From PB For CS 1.6 or CSCZ

Senin, 26 November 2012

SS1 R5 Carbine From PB For CS 1.6 or CSCZ

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

The SS1 (short for IndonesianSenapan Serbu 1, "Assault Rifle 1") is the standard assault rifle of the Indonesian armed forces. It is based on the FN FNC rifle but modified in order to meet ergonomic and tropical environment needs. The SS1 is manufactured by PT PindadBandungIndonesia under the license from Fabrique Nationale, Belgium.
The assault rifles are gas-operated automatic carbines with a foldable butt and are designed to meet the NATO standard. SS1 weapons are high performance light individual weapons that have been used by the Indonesian armed forces, including the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as police. It was adopted into Indonesian service in 1991.
It is currently being phased out and replaced by the Pindad SS2.

Do you want ? Read Credits First !!!

KeenHide : aNimation,convert,UV Maps,Texture
Skript47 : Convert
Zeppeto : Models
VALVe : Hands models
Arief Modder : Add Leopard's hand


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